Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 21.10.24
Can you believe it? The first half-term is already behind us, and what a whirlwind it has been! Over the past eight weeks, our Year 5 students have shown incredible enthusiasm and motivation in their learning journey.
In our final week, the children truly shone. We wrapped up our class book, Oh Maya God, which has been a highlight of our reading this term. The students loved it so much that they even took turns reading sections to their classmates, bringing the story to life in the classroom!
In maths, the hard work continued as we tackled our addition and subtraction unit. The Year 5s have made fantastic progress, demonstrating their skills with confidence.
In English, the students pulled together everything they have learned this term to create impressive non-chronological reports about the Maya civilisation. Their creativity and research skills have really impressed us!
Our art projects have also been brilliant, with students crafting and painting vibrant Maya masks. Each one is unique and a testament to the children’s creativity and hard work.
Finally, PE has been just as exciting, with the Year 5s showing dedication in both swimming and netball practice. Their teamwork and sportsmanship have been commendable, and it’s clear they’ve all been putting in their best efforts!
As we head into the half-term break, we want to wish all our students and their families a happy and well-deserved rest. Enjoy your week off, and we look forward to seeing you back, ready for more adventures in learning!