Coten End Primary School
Key Texts
At Coten End, we work thematically in English and the Wider Curriculum. Each half term, the children's English work is based around a different Learning Theme. We look at many short narrative extracts, poems and non-fiction texts within our reading and writing work, but each Learning Theme has one or two 'key texts' that the children study in depth. Please find the different key texts for each year's learning themes below. We also raise the profile of authors and illustrators through these key texts, in order to widen children's awareness and inspire them to read other texts by these authors, in their own time.
If you would like to purchase any of the key texts so children can read from their own copy at school or home, we would encourage this. We do ask that you try not to read any key texts prior to the next Learning Theme as this can affect predictions work that we might do in reading
Key Texts 2022-23
Reading Books
While children are still becoming fluent readers, they work through a 'book band' system. Children's banded books are directly matched to the phonic phase they are currently working at and only contain sounds from that phase so children can use their phonic decoding skills in context. Children will move through the book bands as they move through the phonic phases and they become increasingly more challenging. Once children have completed 'lime' band, they will be a free reader and can choose books to read from their class library or home. Children who have a banded book will also bring home a library book from school to read with an adult. Banded books are designed to increase reading fluency and library books will help children develop their knowledge of vocabulary, comprehension and develop a love of reading.
We use a mixture of book band schemes including Phonics Bug, Songbird Phonics and Oxford Reading Tree.
Please see the order of the book bands and the corresponding phonic phase below.
Library Books
Alongside their 'reading book', children will also be able to take home a Library book. These books have been carefully selected based on the general interests of our children and on recommendations from our local library. For many children, these books will not be fully decodable and they are intended to be enjoyed with family members. The aim of these books is to promote further exploration of a range of genres and text types, as well as promote the love of reading and the learning of new, rich vocabulary. Similarly, it promotes a greater understanding of different authors; some well-known to the children, whereas some new and upcoming authors. We have found this sparks interesting discussions within class, allowing children to share their opinions and reviews of the books and the authors which ultimately creates an increased desire for reading.
Please see below if you wish to explore further recommendations for your child.